If you are hosting a sports tournament and are looking to generate additional income through event merchandise, we are your source. Team up with us to sell spiritwear on site at your event. We manage
the designs, merchandise assortment, staffing and funding. You will receive a percentage of the sales
at the end of the event.
We are a family owned business and have been in the apparel decorating business for
over 15 years. We design and decorate all of our own merchandise in house and partner with all of
the leading manufactures of garments and promotional items.

We work with your team to determine availability, number of event participants & travel distance
We work with you to determine design concept, merchandise assortment & pricing structure
All scheduled events must be weekend only
We travel the entire state of Ohio
Minimum number of participants is 350
We bring merchandising tents, tables, check out materials, etc.
We only require electricity and wifi (if possible)
If weather is inclimate, arrival and departure times could vary
TOURNAMENT PROCEEDS = 10% of Gross Sales for entirety of Event